Low Self-Esteem Signs

Self-esteem is significant in difficult life events because it is where your opinion about yourself lies. It affects how you see and take care of your mental health and overall wellness. It holds the perception you have and how you feel about yourself that you want others to acknowledge. It impacts your life on how you want to view other people and vice versa. When you have low inner confidence, it can cause a lot of damage and dysfunction, as well as contribute to negative self-talk. There is stress, overthinking, anxiety, loneliness, and depression. It can impair physical health performances, cause not-so-healthy personal issues, and can result in vulnerability to alcohol and drug abuse. It can lead to unwanted issues in positive relationships such as family, friendship, and romantic ones. All of these are the reasons why improving your self-esteem and shutting off negative self talk are very important.

Source: pixabay.com

That said, it is significantly important that you often examine yourself to know if you have rising low self-esteem, negative self talk, and self-criticism. That way, you can become aware of the things you need to do to address the mental condition. Without further ado, here are a few signs that can tell you have signs of low self-confidence.

You Have A Negative Self-Image – When you have low self-esteem, you often find yourself unlovable. You tend to look down on yourself and think that you are not physically attractive. Sometimes, you play with your negative thoughts that you are unintelligent and full of imperfections. You stick to the idea that taking care of yourself is exhausting and useless because you believe in ending up unable to measure up with other people’s expectations and poor opinions despite putting an effort to cater to your low self-esteem. When you experience lower self-esteem, you are often conscious of your actions, feelings, and words. You scrutinize anything that you fall short of. You become highly affected by the social media posts of other people. Sometimes, that consciousness gets illogical and disturbing. It ends up with the habit of hurting yourself due to a serious illness or maybe being in distress from eating disorders. In the worst cases, it makes you strive for perfectionism.

Low self-esteem can sometimes cause mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.
Source: pixabay.com

You Are Overly Apologetic – Understandably, there are life situations that you have no control over. You understand and accept the reality as it is to help build self-esteem. You know when you make mistakes, and you take account of your words and actions. However, when you have this attitude of always apologizing to everyone because you feel you did something wrong, even if you don’t, that is a sign that you have low self-esteem. In that sense, your apologetic behavior serves as a front so you can excuse yourself from involving yourself in any discussions. At some point in your low self-confidence or self-esteem problem, you are using your apologetic behavior only to avoid conflict, even if you disagree with other people’s actions. Your self-esteem becomes so low that you wouldn’t even consider self-appreciation.

It is significantly important that you often examine yourself to know if you have a raising personal criticism.
Source: pixabay.com

You Are Full Of Self-Doubt – Honestly, it is okay to question your capabilities from time to time. It helps you become aware of the possibility of improving yourself. However, when you find yourself overanalyzing your qualities, behavior, and personality, it is different. When you are highly critical of yourself, and you often end up believing that you are not capable of doing anything, it implies a problem with having low self-esteem or low self-worth. When you frequently have this sense of inadequacy and often feel that you are not worthy, you require immediate emotional and mental health assistance. Kneeling down on yourself is a significant sign of your inability to live life to the fullest. Low self-confidence or self-esteem problem is dangerous and needs to be addressed

Sometimes, that consciousness gets illogical and disturbing. It ends up with the habit of hurting your self-esteem due to a serious illness. In worst cases, it makes you strive for perfectionism.
Source: pixabay.com

You Develop Bad Habits – There are tons of different habits that can indicate you have poor self-worth. One of them is your unexplained shame, visible, especially in social situations. When you have this mannerism of constantly playing with your fingers, biting your nails, rolling your shoulders inward, and slouching over your body, it indicates ill-confidence about yourself. It means you don’t care about what others think because you expect it to be challenging things with your negative thinking. In some unfortunate instances, when you reach the extremities of the situation, you isolate yourself. It is where you become motivated to push people away, even if their only intention is to help you.

You have a lack of self-esteem when you feel like you are unworthy of praise and that your hard work shouldn’t have be a big deal.
Source: pixabay.com

You Downplay Your Achievements – When you have low self-esteem and lack confidence, you find it hard to appreciate yourself. It makes you often think that you do not have self-worth and makes you lose your sense of value. When you don’t like yourself, you feel that your achievements are not worthy of other people’s compliments. You have low self-esteem when you feel like you are unworthy of praise and that your hard work shouldn’t be a big deal. You develop the ideology that you are inferior to others despite your achievements in life. Over time, it manifests as the inability to accept and love yourself for who you are and who you can become.


This article is for informative purposes only. It does not guarantee anyone a solution to their mental health issues or promises to get rid of their emotional and mental dilemma. Therefore, any psychological or medical needs should be provided by a health expert or a licensed mental health professional. In case you find some of the signs relatable and want to challenge negative thoughts or unhelpful thinking, let someone know.

Everyone goes through a period of self-doubt, negative beliefs, and insecurity sometimes. But if that impacts your way of living, you must take appropriate actions. Studies suggest that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the proven and fast approaches to attaining high self-esteem of clients through cognitive restructuring. If you are struggling with your self-esteem, seeking the help of professionals can be a good option so you can focus on self-acceptance. Remember, your self-esteem matters.


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